"Professional Marketing for Flight Instructors"
Peter Meder, owner Peter Meder & Company Executive Recruiting and Marketing Consulting
"Runway Safety Scenario Based Training"
"Teach your Students the Easy way to Fly"
Larry Bothe, retired DPE, MCFI, Gold Seal Flight Instructor
"Student Behavior as Meeting Needs"
Peg Ballou, CFI & Flight School Owner
"Instructional Excellence - Best Practices"
Nick Ahlen, ATP, CFI, CFII, MEI airplane & helicopter
"Distraction management / cockpit organization techniques from the majors"
Craig O'Mara, CFI-I, MEI, Retired 787 Captain & Check Airman
"Better Instruction Comes From Better Efforts"
Gregg Brightwell, CFI(I), CFII/MEI, and ATP and author
"Enhancing Weather Knowledge and Training"
Gary Pokodner, Danny Sims & William Bauman from the FAA Next Gen Weather Division
"Instructing in Non-traditional Training Aircraft"
Jason Blair, DPE and Author
"FAA Safety Briefing Magazine"
Susan Parson, Special Assistant, FAA Flight Standard Service, Editor FAA Safety Briefing Magazine
"Making Airspace Visible"
Peg Ballou, CFI & Flight School Owner