About NAFI
NAFI is about you - the professional flight instructor.
What you do as a flight instructor has both an immediate and lasting effect on aviation safety and continued growth of our industry. Instruction is so much more than teaching skills. You are responsible for setting a good example, teaching responsibility, managing risk and safety, and supporting your own continuous improvement. A good instructor also understands that learning to fly offers deep emotional satisfaction. Who can forget the excitement of first taking the flight controls?
Flight instruction is a big job. That’s why NAFI has supported this vitally important part of the aviation community since 1967. NAFI seeks to mentor, educate, and advocate for those in our profession by offering the tools and programs you need to give the very best to your clients.
JOIN TODAY to benefit from all that NAFI membership can provide!
Our Four Pillars
Position NAFI as the leading advocate for the flight instructor community by forming key relationships with industry, academia, and government agencies.
Provide avenues for instructors to network with each other by sharing experience and best practices.
Provide relevant and interesting professional educational events, materials, and opportunities to improve flight instruction.
Ensure a sustainable and continuously improving operating organization through sound financial planning, sponsorship growth, and fundraising.
NAFI Vision Statement
Safer pilots through excellence in flight instruction
NAFI Mission Statement
NAFI promotes flight instructor excellence through education, mentorship, and advocacy
Code of Ethics
As a member of the National Association of Flight Instructors, I accept the responsibility to practice my profession according to the highest ethical standards.
Therefore, we pledge always to:
PROVIDE a safe and effective learning environment.
IMPROVE my teaching and skills through continuous education and operational experiences.
ADHERE to safe practices and applicable aviation regulations.
TREAT all colleagues, associates, and those we educate with respect.
CONDUCT my professional and personal life in a manner that reflects credit to the profession by setting an example of leadership, mentorship, and excellence in aviation education.
ENCOURAGE flight instructors and flight schools to uphold and support these principles, and to challenge any unsafe, unethical, or unprofessional behavior.
Board of Directors
The NAFI board of directors is composed of a minimum of ten volunteer members who provide governance to NAFI. NAFI members are encouraged to nominate qualified individuals or volunteer themselves for the board positions. To be considered, email your statement of interest and resume to [email protected].
Meet your NAFI Board of Directors